Friday, May 18, 2018

Clay Succulent

What an awesome project!! I love succulents! Tracy added onto the skill of the pinch pot by adding a sculpture within the pot.  See the scaffolding of these lessons, shown on this blog post.  From what I understand, Mrs. Hare had students create a pinch pot.  They then rolled coils or manipulated the clay to look like succulents to put in the pot. She showed them examples of succulents and showed techniques, but I think students also developed their own style when given the chance to design their clay plant. 

This was the only project that I glazed this year with the kids... and really, only part of the project was glazed.  I had the students only add glazed to the 'pot' portion of the plant. This did not take the whole hour so I had the students do an observational drawing with their plants when they were done. I only have one color of glaze for each class. This allowed me to separate the classes from each other. The glaze gave a different texture and feel compared to the plant, and this just furthered the illusion of an actual plant. 

Students used semi-most tempera cakes for the plants. I wish I would have pulled these out earlier.  I found them to be less chalky when dried than the other tempera cakes I used with the 1st and second grade (see the previous post). As I had done with some of the other projects, I gave it a quick dip in a bath to help seal it.  I used 3 parts water and one part pearl medium (or thereabouts).

These plants are adorable and I couldn't wait to send them home with students to share with their families.

To see what other projects PVEMS created with our visiting Artist, Tracy Hare during Clay Week 2018, please see this previous post. 

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